Hey everybody,
So in typical sister lundahl fashion I will send this e-mail in the usual format starting with monday. Monday was a crazy day of doing the 2 fhe's in 3 hours. I don't know about you, but a challenge it was, and success we had. It helps that we live with a member who we can corner and share a message with later in the evening. Which ended up in us having success!
It was the tuesday christmas eve challenge of 12 christmas carols to different people that gave us a challenge. We sang one to Linda and Arnez. They loved it! And then we sang one to Melanie. The we drove around and sang to members in our town. We only have like 4 members... so we called people we left messages and did what we had to do to sing 12 christmas carols. And we got them all done before we had to drive down to Boothbay for christmas eve dinner. It was a wonderful dinner. The Quinlins who are our branch president and wife hosted it, and we had vegitarian lasagna and it tasted really good. We played a personality game which was really fun and same songs. Then sister Quinlin gave us a stocking that she had made. It was an absolutely beautiful stocking. :) full of goodies lol. It was fun!
Christmas was a great day. For some reason I felt like a little kid again waiting for christmas to come. I was so excited to open presents and talk to my family that I kept waking up in the middle of the night. I had to keep telling myself that I couldn't get up until the alarm when off. I needed to stick to the missionary schedule. It was hard, but I did it. And it was so much fun to wake up and open presents and then have breakfast with sister brooks and get ready. It was a really good morning. Then we went out and visited members. We ate so much! I still feel full. jk. We saw the Dyers who were facetiming people in Utah which made me really excited and then we went to the Libby's where we had Christmas dinner and called all of you! So crazy to see you all! The puppy was so cute! and Lincoln was adorable! And I especally loved being able to talk with grandma and grandpa over the phone. That was truly special. I also thought it was really funny when grandma said she loved to shovel snow!
Thursday was a little different. We had district meeting and then we went and tried to contact a few people. It was good and fun. a great way to have the day after Christmas. That evening we cleaned up our area book. It is beautiful now. And that is all for now.
Friday started out great. We cancelled exchanges and then we went out and served melanie and taught the seversons. We also we're able to do our mormon.org time. We planned and everything. And that night as we were doing our nightmy planning I got a call from my mission president. He said he needed to talk to me confidentially and so I went into the bathroom nd he told me that Grandma Bean had passed away. it was a very difficult rest of the evening. I did not get very much sleep needless to say.
Saturday kindaof passed in a blurr, there was a funeral for another person who passed away this week that we went to. i held myself together. We were able to go and teach linda and Arnez and we taught about the atonement. It was a really good lesson! And those are basically the highlights of saturday
Sunday we actually had church!!!! We were all so happy it is very nice to just go and partake of the sacrament. I am so glad. we we're able to have church. I haven't really told anybody in the area that gandma passed away yet. i am waiting for a little longer. But even though I haven't told anybody somehow this week we now have a bunch of meal apts. and I'm really happy! cuz cooking right now is not on my priorities. :) So a tender mercy from the lord it is.
That is all for this week. It has been very hard, but I know this is where I'm supposed to be I'm so glad to be on my mission. And even when live gets a little hand and throws some challenges the Lord is always there to help. :)
Love Always and Forever,
Sister Lundahl
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